Aprons, Clothing


Product Code: AF0001

Featuring an adjustable buckle on the neckband and self-fabric ties. This colourful apron ensures professional presentation and protection, great for beauty professionals, restaurant industries, coffee shops and much more.

Other personalisation sizes are available at extra cost. Contact sales for more information

Other personalisation sizes are available at extra cost. Contact sales for more information

SKU: AF0001

    Embroidery Transfer Print

    Product Size

    One Size (Adult)

    Additional Information

    Other personalisation sizes are available at extra cost. Contact sales for more information

    Lead Times

    5 working days from artwork approval.


    Apple,Aqua,Aubergine,Black Denim,Black,Blue Denim,Bottle,Brown,Burgundy,Camel,Charcoal,Chestnut,Cornflower,Cyan,Duck Egg Blue,Dark Grey,Emerald,Fuchsia,Grey Denim,Hot Pink,Indigo Denim,Kelly,Khaki,Latte,Lavender,Light Blue,Lemon,Lilac,Lime,Marine Blue,Magenta,Mid Blue,Mocha,Moss Green,Mushroom,Mustard,Natural,Navy,Oasis Green,Olive,Orange,Peacock,Pink,Pistachio,Purple,Raspberry Crush,Red,Rich Violet,Rose,Royal,Sage,Salsa,Sapphire,Silver,Steel,Strawberry Red,Sunflower,Teal,Terracotta,Turquoise,White,Yellow

    Carton Quantity


    Product Code Description Stock Level
    AF0001APPL Coloured Bib Apron - APPLE / ONE SIZE 241
    AF0001AQUA Coloured Bib Apron - AQUA / ONE SIZE 634
    AF0001AUBE Coloured Bib Apron - AUBERGINE / ONE SIZE 364
    AF0001BKDE Coloured Bib Apron - BLACK DENIM / ONE SIZE 743
    AF0001BLAC Coloured Bib Apron - BLACK / ONE SIZE 18270
    AF0001BLDE Coloured Bib Apron - BLUE DENIM / ONE SIZE 663
    AF0001BOTT Coloured Bib Apron - BOTTLE / ONE SIZE 240
    AF0001BROW Coloured Bib Apron - BROWN / ONE SIZE 567
    AF0001BURG Coloured Bib Apron - BURGUNDY / ONE SIZE 1730
    AF0001CAME Coloured Bib Apron - CAMEL / ONE SIZE 505
    AF0001CHAR Coloured Bib Apron - CHARCOAL / ONE SIZE 536
    AF0001CHES Coloured Bib Apron - CHESTNUT / ONE SIZE 396
    AF0001CORN Coloured Bib Apron - CORNFLOWER / ONE SIZE 329
    AF0001CYAN Coloured Bib Apron - CYAN / ONE SIZE 314
    AF0001DEGB Coloured Bib Apron - DUCK EGG BLUE / ONE SIZE 409
    AF0001DGRE Coloured Bib Apron - DARK GREY / ONE SIZE 4879
    AF0001EMER Coloured Bib Apron - EMERALD / ONE SIZE 315
    AF0001FUCH Coloured Bib Apron - FUCHSIA / ONE SIZE 914
    AF0001GYDE Coloured Bib Apron - GREY DENIM / ONE SIZE 944
    AF0001HOPK Coloured Bib Apron - HOT PINK / ONE SIZE 584
    AF0001INDE Coloured Bib Apron - INDIGO DENIM / ONE SIZE 788
    AF0001KELL Coloured Bib Apron - KELLY / ONE SIZE 540
    AF0001KHAK Coloured Bib Apron - KHAKI / ONE SIZE 790
    AF0001LATT Coloured Bib Apron - LATTE / ONE SIZE 227
    AF0001LAVE Coloured Bib Apron - LAVENDER / ONE SIZE 158
    AF0001LBLU Coloured Bib Apron - LIGHT BLUE / ONE SIZE 327
    AF0001LEMO Coloured Bib Apron - LEMON / ONE SIZE 224
    AF0001LILA Coloured Bib Apron - LILAC / ONE SIZE 348
    AF0001LIME Coloured Bib Apron - LIME / ONE SIZE 367
    AF0001MABL Coloured Bib Apron - MARINE BLUE / ONE SIZE 207
    AF0001MAGE Coloured Bib Apron - MAGENTA / ONE SIZE 405
    AF0001MBLU Coloured Bib Apron - MID BLUE / ONE SIZE 320
    AF0001MOCH Coloured Bib Apron - MOCHA / ONE SIZE 180
    AF0001MOSS Coloured Bib Apron - MOSS GREEN / ONE SIZE 418
    AF0001MUSH Coloured Bib Apron - MUSHROOM / ONE SIZE 403
    AF0001MUST Coloured Bib Apron - MUSTARD / ONE SIZE 294
    AF0001NATU Coloured Bib Apron - NATURAL / ONE SIZE 628
    AF0001NAVY Coloured Bib Apron - NAVY / ONE SIZE 5350
    AF0001OAGR Coloured Bib Apron - OASIS GREEN / ONE SIZE 443
    AF0001OLIV Coloured Bib Apron - OLIVE / ONE SIZE 524
    AF0001ORAN Coloured Bib Apron - ORANGE / ONE SIZE 1163
    AF0001PCOC Coloured Bib Apron - PEACOCK / ONE SIZE 445
    AF0001PINK Coloured Bib Apron - PINK / ONE SIZE 690
    AF0001PIST Coloured Bib Apron - PISTACHIO / ONE SIZE 248
    AF0001PURP Coloured Bib Apron - PURPLE / ONE SIZE 926
    AF0001RACR Coloured Bib Apron - RASPBERRY CRUSH / ONE SIZE 212
    AF0001REDD Coloured Bib Apron - RED / ONE SIZE 2839
    AF0001RIVI Coloured Bib Apron - RICH VIOLET / ONE SIZE 356
    AF0001ROSE Coloured Bib Apron - ROSE / ONE SIZE 382
    AF0001ROYA Coloured Bib Apron - ROYAL / ONE SIZE 788
    AF0001SAGE Coloured Bib Apron - SAGE / ONE SIZE 395
    AF0001SALS Coloured Bib Apron - SALSA / ONE SIZE 455
    AF0001SAPP Coloured Bib Apron - SAPPHIRE / ONE SIZE 393
    AF0001SILV Coloured Bib Apron - SILVER / ONE SIZE 1334
    AF0001STEE Coloured Bib Apron - STEEL / ONE SIZE 628
    AF0001STRD Coloured Bib Apron - STRAWBERRY RED / ONE SIZE 358
    AF0001SUNF Coloured Bib Apron - SUNFLOWER / ONE SIZE 383
    AF0001TEAL Coloured Bib Apron - TEAL / ONE SIZE 710
    AF0001TERR Coloured Bib Apron - TERRACOTTA / ONE SIZE 633
    AF0001TURQ Coloured Bib Apron - TURQUOISE / ONE SIZE 465
    AF0001WHIT Coloured Bib Apron - WHITE / ONE SIZE 2366
    AF0001YELL Coloured Bib Apron - YELLOW / ONE SIZE 934

    Pad/Screen Artwork

    Emb Artwork

    Transfer Artwork

    Pad/Screen Print Area

    Upto:200 x 200 mm

    No of Spot Colours


    Embroidery Area

    90 x 50 mm

    Transfer Area

    90 x 50 mm


    Other personalisation sizes are available at extra cost. Contact sales for more information

    Same Day Service

    100 - 1 Colour

    Same 1 Day Service

    250 - 1 Colour

    Same 2 Day Service

    500 - 1 Colour